Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Hi everyone sorry i have not been blogging for a few months, just before xmas i came down with the novo virus, then i had flu, then novo virus again, this left my stomach unable to tolerate food it has taken until now to begin to eat normal food again and still i am only able to eat little amounts.. but i feel better in myself :)... Also over the last 2 weeks we have had a new bathroom put in our house so i was stuck in my bedroom most of the time while all the mess and action took place, but now we have a beautiful new wet room :)... anyway here is a card i have made i hope you like it hugs tracy xxx


Unknown said...

Tracy, so sorry to hear you've been so sick. I wondered what happened when you just dropped off. I'm glad your feeling better and hope that you continue to get stronger. The card is beautiful!

Sylvia Zet said...

Lovely to see you back Tracy.:)And I love your golden card with red accents!

Catnip and Kitty Whiskers said...

Your card is beautiful! So glad that you are starting to feel a little better! Sounds like you've had a rough winter! Hope you feel better each and every day! :)

Lisa Lynn said...

Your card is gorgeous. Sorry to hear you were ill. Hope all is well now and that you have a new bathroom which always makes things better.

Pssequimages said...

Every new one you post is my FAVORITE! This one is just so very very precious! So glad you're on the mend, my friend.